WHO 2016 Guideline on when to start antiretroviral therapy and on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV

WHO Review of PrEP Evidence (Fonner et al, AIDS 2016) (PDF)

WHO PrEP Tool Kit includes modules for

CDC Recommendations and Links

Population Council Framework for PrEP for Adolescent Girls and Young Women - June 2016 (PDF)


From the USA

San Francisco AIDS Foundation PEP and PrEP procedures

The UCSF HIVE Reproductive Health Clinic PrEP procedures

AVAC PrEP Resources

From Africa

South African AIDS Clinical Society Guidelines for PrEP March 2016 (PDF)

South African Department of Health Guidelines for PrEP in Sex Workers May 2016 (PDF)

Kenya Guidance on Antiretrovirals for Treatment and Prevention 2016 (PDF) (PDF of PrEP Pages)

From The UK

I want PrEP now (for prospective PrEP users)

i-base PEP and PrEP website

BASHH/BHIVA Position Statement on PrEP (Update May 2016)

BASHH/BHIVA Practical PrEP Guidance (PDF)

BASHH/BHIVA Practical PrEP Guidance (word)

PrEP Monitoring Guide

PrEP Pro-Forma (word)

i-base PrEP Leaflet (PDF)

From France (AIDES et ANRS, en frances)

Prise en charge médicale des personnes vivant avec le VIH - Actualisation 2015 : Prophylaxie pré-exposition

Recommandation Temporaire D'Utilisation (RTU)  (25 November 2015)

Bienvenue À L’hôpital Saint Louis (for patients)

AIDES L’accompagnement communautaire lors de consultations PrEP (Avril 2016)

PrEP mode d'emploi 2016 V0  document AIDES

Schemas de PrEP PrEP à la Demande

Schemas de PrEP PrEP à la Demande et en continue

Guide de l'accompagnement PrEP_Avril 2016