Introducing How 2 Offer PrEP

This website is intended to foster and share practices for HIV prevention that include PrEP.  There are separate blogs and materials for different people depending on the role they play, including political leaders, medicines regulators, community advocates and educators, general public health officials, HIV public health officials, clinic administrators, clinicians, counselors and peer navigators, pharmacists, laboratory workers, PrEP users, and people who monitor and evaluate programs.  

We use some principles from human centered design, including interaction, iteration, provisional conclusions, and learning from doing.  The material is organized by social role, as we are all actors.  I welcome comments on the approach.  If you wish to contribute a blog, please send the content in the "contact us section."  

Most of this material is extracted from published guidance and materials submitted by people who put PrEP into practice.  As detailed guidance becomes approved by normative agencies, we will provide it.  We hope that you see this as an opportunity to contribute to the development of good practices and will provide feedback (see contact us) and  links to your materials.  This is a no bully zone - we are here to help each other become stronger.